FICO recently released some traits of individuals with the highest credit scores:
- No missed payments on the credit report. Or the missed payment was greater than 3 years ago. Payment history makes up 35% of your credit score.
- Well established credit history. Opening of new credit accounts is rare. Generally those with the highest credit scores have accounts that are 11 years old or greater.
- While the high credit scoring individuals are not always debt free, the have an average of 7 credit cards (both opened and closed) and only have 4 cards or loans with balances. Most have a total balance of less than $8, 500.
- Make automatic payments whenever available. Most banks offer these at no charge. So you save the stamp as well and are NEVER late on a reoccurring payment.
- Don't open up new accounts just to get the free t-shirt or discount on today's purchase.
- Close unnecessary credit card accounts. Do this in writing, just cutting up the card doesn't close the account.
- Pay off the balances on your cards, smallest to largest and then vow to not use credit cards!