Sunday, February 22, 2015

Frugal a Day Week 2

Last week you set some goals so this week we will begin working on them

1)  Write your goals on post it notes or index cards and put in a prominent place.  Your bathroom mirror, car, planner or bible--somewhere you will SEE THEM daily.  Commit to reviewing them daily.

2)  Brainstorm at least 5 ways to work on your goals this week
Rules of Brainstorming-no idea is too outrageous.  Capture all your ideas for meeting your goals

If saving money is one of your goals your brainstorm my look like this
  • Plan a dinner using items in pantry to avoid buying staples this week 
  • Brew coffee at home instead of going to my local coffee shop
  • Take my lunch instead of dining out one day this week
  • Find all my Christmas gift cards and use them instead of cash this week
  • Roll up my accumulated coins and deposit in my savings account
  • Cut up one credit card and notify the company to close the account
  • Read a Self Help book on MONEY by Author Dave Ramsey or your favorite author (check it out of the library to avoid the cost of purchasing a book)
  • Set up a realistic budget using these forms from Dave Ramsey
  • Drink water instead of beverages I purchase from the vending machine
  • Etc.
Remember, your list needs to have SMART goals-

Refer to your goals and your brainstorm list DAILY.  You may not use all your brainstorm ideas but if you use ONE each day (the same or a different one) you will have successfully met your goal this week!  Yea you!

Leave me a comment on your brainstorm ideas and we will compile them into a blog post!


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